Christmas came to Pilot Point on Saturday with a slightly tardy Christmas on the Square.
After the rain on Dec. 14 saw several vendors and acts pulling out last minute, the Main Street board moved its event to fairer weather.
“We were very pleased once the decision had been made to pivot to the following weekend, to see mother nature cooperate with us,” Main Street Director Wendy Adkins said. “It was stunning weather.”
Adkins said the last-minute move didn’t appear overly detrimental either to most vendors or community attendance.
“Walking around, talking to vendors, it seemed like they were doing really well sales-wise,” Adkins said. “I hear so many of them say ‘we just love coming to Pilot Point, the town is so friendly, and everyone here is so giving,’ so we’re always glad to partner with great vendors.”
PaperPie vendor Teresa Murphrey, stood at a booth flush with children’s books, offered a similar sentiment.
“This is my third year doing Pilot Point’s Christmas on the Square,” Murphrey said. “I’ve always enjoyed your little town. I live in Denton but just love the community. This year because of the economy, it’s a hit and miss, but y’all have a good crowd out here so I’m hoping tonight will be a good night.” In addition to the vendors and the downtown merchants, several attractions such as a camel and calf from Sharkarosa, dogs for adoption from Miles of Hope, Vince Lujan, Don Hankinson and Matt Grigsby on stage, a large bounce house, and pictures with Santa in the gazebo, dotted the Square.
“I raised my kids here,” Angela Hammons said while wrangling a three-year-old. “It’s a lot more than what it used to be 20 years ago, but of course the town has grown a lot since then. His favorite part has been any sugar that exists.”
Adkins said she hopes to continue growing the event as the population continues to expand.
“We’re constantly looking for additional attractions beyond the normal fare,” Adkins said. “The week before we’d lined up Equihope who were going to bring a mini horse out for Christmas portraits, but the reschedule didn’t work we them so we’re looking forward to partnering with them in the future and bringing that little piece of horse country to downtown.”